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We just don't want a Surgeon General's warning slapped on our unchangeable behinds!

by Jeremy Hooper

03-12 Holsinger Health ServicesYou know what's often funny about the "pro-family" groups? They like to leave out pertinent information. Latest case in point: Over on Focus on the Family's CitizenLink "news" site, they are addressing the controversy regarding the nomination of University of Kentucky professor Dr. James W. Holsinger as U.S. Surgeon General, presenting it as if it is merely Holsinger's faith has drawn the ire of gay activists. They even use this image to highlight this idea:

 Images 07 06-01-07

Here is how their piece reads, in part:

What does faith have to do with being surgeon general? According to Soulforce, a whole lot.

Last week, President Bush nominated Dr. James W. Holsinger to be surgeon general. Now Soulforce, a national gay activist group, says Holsinger needs to check his religion at the hospital doors, the Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader reported.

Holsinger, 68, is a University of Kentucky professor and sits on the United Methodist Judicial Council. That highest "court" rules on disputes involving church doctrine and policies in the nation's second-largest Protestant denomination.

In his role on the nine-member council, Holsinger has opposed a decision to allow a lesbian to be an associate pastor, and he supported a pastor who would not permit an openly gay man to join the church.

Soulforce claims that makes him unfit to be "America's doctor."

They then go on to quote someone from Soulforce regarding Holsinger's "religious-based prejudice towards homosexuals," as well as someone from The Heritage Foundation on why you can't have religious test for public office. But here's what remains unaddressed by FOF: Holsinger started his own congregation, Hope Springs Community Church, which runs an "ex-gay" ministry! That would be the same "ex-gay" concept that is opposed, or at least unsupported, by every credible body of science and health in this nation!

Yet nowhere does FOF, themselves big advocates of the "ex-gay" idea, mention this fact in their story! They overlook the biggest outcry over Holsinger's nomination and instead try and make it look like the gays are once again attacking people of faith, as if we want nothing more than to destroy religion in this country. The actuality, however, is that his religion matters to us not! If he, however, believes that our gayness is a Devilish affliction from which we can be cured via Jesus -- then yea, we have a little problem with the head of the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps holding that belief!

In actuality, the image FOF should be running regarding potential Surgeons General is:


That should be the true concern for us all!

And if Holsinger does prove to be an "ex-gay" proponent, all we gays really have to do if we want him dropped from consideration is just get him to acknowledge that masturbation is an actual concept that people do, in fact, practice. After all, everyone knows that is something we simply can't have in our Surgeons General:

Gay Activist Group Opposes Surgeon General Nominee [FOF CitizenLink]

**UPDATE, 6/6: Read this paper (pdf) that Holsinger wrote on homosexuality in 1991. A sample:

"...the logical complementarity of the human sexes has been so recognized in our culture that it has entered our vocabulary in the form of naming various pipe fittings either the male fitting or the female fitting depending upon which one interlocks within the other. When the complementarity of the sexes is breached, injuries and diseases may occur as noted above."

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Your thoughts

"Surgeons General" not "Surgeon Generals" as explained by Jed Bartlet of NBC's "The West Wing" episode titled "17 People".

Posted by: Andrew | Jun 6, 2007 5:08:49 PM

Thanks, Andrew. Poop on me for not remembering that from "TWW"!!

Posted by: G-A-Y | Jun 6, 2007 5:12:10 PM

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