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'Desperate,' 'Mother' plots to grab gays

by Jeremy Hooper

BrohusAnd now, in queer TV news: It has been revealed that on the coming season of ABC's once hot, now sort of lukewarm soap opera "Desperate Housewives," a male/male same-sex couple will be moving onto Wisteria Lane. Also, on the new season of the highly watchable CBS sitcom "How I Met Your Mother," Wayne Brady will be returning as the gay brother of Neil Patrick Harris' character.

And In a related fall TV story: "The 700 Club" will continue to feature the sort of gay demonization, insults, and highly inaccurate portraits of LGBT life that make the other two announcements so wonderfully refreshing.

"Desperate Housewives" To Add a Gay Couple [AfterElton]
TV Press Tour '07: How I Met Your Mother Season Three Scoop [E!]

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Your thoughts

There’s much to like about the show still, but re the gay, the very gay creator Mark Cherry is a PIG! And not just because he’s a fag Repug. So far the only gay characters with more than a couple of lines have been 1. Ongoing character and DH son, Andrew, a psychopath who hit a woman while driving, drove on, she died, and he never showed any remorse. 2. A little girl’s beauty pageant coach who was more fem and childish than they were. 3. A child molestor. Such "gay demonization, insults, and highly inaccurate portraits of LGBT life" have made "Desperate Housewives" in relation to us close to the 700 Club.

So one can only shudder at what kind of gay “couple” he will create. Mrs. & Mrs. Carson Kressley perhaps? Ross the Intern & Bobby Trendy.

Contrast DH’s dated portrayal of gays with the gay characters on “Brothers & Sisters” that immediately follows it. Not without foibles or problems but not 60s stereotypes or homocidal villains either.

F your Cherry, and not in the good way.

Posted by: Leland Frances | Jul 30, 2007 11:04:24 AM

Leland: When you use the word "fag" the way you have on multiple occasion in these comments, you weaken your points. You of course have free reign to say whatever you want on here, but I just don't get why you so vocally lash out against homophobia, yet continue to use words like this or attack the more effeminate of our televised personalities.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Jul 30, 2007 11:09:56 AM

Addendum: To be fair, one must mention the psychopathic son's decent boyfriend, however he is long gone with the wind. And we realize that some friends of Dorothy, like Homer Simpson, like their "gays flaming," so there was probably much hands-in-front-of-the-face-close-clapping and shrieking with glee over Mapa's mince-for-money pageant coach. Chacun a son queer.

But the child molestor script was especially egregious and unforgivable because one was initially led to believe it was going to be a lesson in false suspicion that ended up only showing lovable Lynette right about the evil next door. Andrew was shown to grow recently, if still conveniently having wiped any guilt or responsibility for the hit-and-run from his mind, but now we're promised he'll be evil again, too. With shows like this watched by middle America who needs the 700 Club.

Posted by: Leland Frances | Jul 30, 2007 11:24:13 AM

I movie in the works by Keith Richard Radford Jr. targeting hate groups who for political reasons use hate to sway public opinion for personal and political gain.
The torture sex offenders have endured wile laws have been misdirected as a smoke screen to further the hate agenda of a nation intoxicated with greed and prejudice's to keep fear alive. Interviews of over 50 sex offenders at many levels of assessment and how they have been used by lawmakers, politicians, and community's, also including many Doctors, Journalists, Ministers, Writers, and other parties offering their solutions to the basic fundamental flaws in the construction of such laws.

Posted by: Keith Richard Radford Jr. | Mar 29, 2008 3:18:58 AM

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