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Richardson says 'lo siento' for low blow

by Jeremy Hooper

 Assets Img Governor1Democratic presidential candidate Bill Richardson has apologized for using the offensive word "maricón" on a 2006 edition of the Imus radio program, saying that that in the Spanish he grew up speaking, "the term means simply 'gay,' not positive or negative." He told the AP yesterday:

"My record is the strongest among the presidential candidates on gay rights issues and I'm puzzled by the timing of this. When it happened a year ago, nobody seemed to think it was terribly important. Now it surfaces"
"It's probably a sign from other campaigns that they are little worried about me"

Hmm..well Bill, we actually think it's more that gays are "a little worried about [you]," because "maricón" is widely believed to mean "faggot" in Spanish. If this writer learned nothing else from the exchange student that was in his 11th grade Spanish class, he did learn that fact! So we personally think it's less of a Hillary or Barack-initiated attempt to diminish your political campaign, and more of a genuine, gay-initiated response of "What the f**k, Mr. Richardson?!" (with a bit of "Where were you on this back in '06, GLAAD? thrown in for good measure).

But at least Bill's apologizing. To save time in the future, we hear everyone who ever appeared on the Imus show is just going to offer a blanket apology for the booking.

Seriously -- we hope they've burned some sage in that studio!

Richardson Says Remark Meant Playfully [AP via WaPo]

**The video is at Media Matters: Direct Link [MM]

**RELATED: Richardson Mum On Gay Debate [365 Gay]

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