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Video: Guiding spirits away from 'a time of great gay'
This YouTuber calls himself "Spiritguide727":
Replies this writer's spirit:
"You know, I'm actually good in terms of guidance. Yea, I read some guidebooks and did some of my own research before I got here, so I think I can just go it alone. In fact, I think I see the path I want to follow right over there, so I'm just gonna mosey along now. But, uhm, thanks for the offer, dude! it was in no way ass-crazy or frightening. Honestly.
Uhm, yea, so...okay then. See ya"
::spirit slowly takes one step away from the angry man, then another, then another, until far enough away where he thinks a full-blown sprint to less extremist pastures is safe::
What if? [YouTube]
Your thoughts
I can't even understand anything he's saying because of all the audio clipping and distortion (not that I particularly want to). Say what you want about the religious right, but at least their videos have production values!
Posted by: Andy | Jul 18, 2007 7:28:06 PM
I have never understood the argument from the right that "if everyone were gay, the world would end as there would be no more procreation".
First off, I don't know how asking to be treated equally means you really want everyone to be gay. Is that the problem with theh right? They believe if some gays are accepted, everyone will want to be gay? And somehow, they too would end up being gay?
I mean, it is not like I will ever understand the minds of the religious right except to know that if an idea is completely preposterous, without merit, and without even a spurious basis in science, they will hold on to that idea forever.
Then there is this guy, where is this? I never want to go there...
Posted by: Todd | Jul 18, 2007 9:29:46 PM
While it is rather sad, there is still something a bit amusing as I watch him sit there professing his deep understanding of the "Great Gay," as if it is a complicated social conspiracy that few, until know, have been able to fully grasp. While I would love to ask him what he is on, as I listen to his "argument" (I find the one about us causing less children from being born because of gay families frustratingly amusing) I find it even funnier to think that he must have come to some of these conclusions on his own. While his rant reads along the same lines as the traditional vale groups its nowhere near as polished or comprehendible.
Posted by: Patrick B | Jul 19, 2007 4:12:04 AM
What our friend needs is a twelve-step problem to deal with the alcohol.
There is no shortage of babies on the earth. Straight folks are still throwing them in dumpsters. He may wish there were more white ones. I hope he stays away from playgrounds.
His obsession with gay? I think we know the answer to that.
Posted by: Homo say whaa? | Jul 19, 2007 6:11:20 AM
I wish his parents had used a condom. -janet
Posted by: janet | Jul 19, 2007 7:34:49 AM
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