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Well of course he has the money -- he didn't just buy an iPhone
Microsoft honcho Bill Gates is reportedly one of the investors who is helping to bail PlanetOut Inc. out of its financial woes.
Ironic, as the majority who use PNO's services much prefer their company to be MegaHard.
Bill Gates invests in Gay.com, PlanetOut [SeattlePi]
(H/t: Queerty)
Technorati Tags: bill gates
Your thoughts
Given Gates' and Microsoft's repeated misunderestimation of the Internet, this might not be the best of news (i.e., everything web-based that they touch tends to flop).
/snark ;-)
Posted by: KipEsquire | Jul 3, 2007 11:20:31 AM
Oh come on, NG -- it's cute and clever. :-)
Posted by: G-A-Y | Jul 3, 2007 12:14:58 PM
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