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Wherein we go to bat against anti-gay pitches
Continuing his quest to make a name for himself in the "pro-family" movement, our ol' pal Phil Magnan is once again lashing out the gay-friendliness in his midst. In the latest press release that he has put up on Christian News Wire, Phil decries the San Diego Padres' allowance of a gay pride event, saying:
"This action by the San Diego Padres management has greatly tarnished their record as being a family friendly organization. They have truly offended the moral and religious sensibilities of literally thousands of fans. I will never look at the Padres the same way that I have over the past 40 plus years here in San Diego, enjoying its image as being pro family. It is really sad."
"Most people do not want to have their children visually ambushed by seeing highly immoral behavior. I want to know why the Padre management would do this especially on a day that the Padres are giving away free caps to kids."
"Will families any longer find a wholesome national baseball event for their children as these Pride events are spread throughout the U.S.? Why does the management of the San Diego Padres feel the need to cater to those who are engaged in perverted and immoral lifestyles? I have also been told that many people who have called or written the Padres have been not taken seriously. I urge more fans and families to call the Padres and let them know how you feel about your children being exposed to indecency. And perhaps next year's ticket sales will reflect the views of those who are affected by the Padres Management."
We respond:
"This action by the San Diego Padres management has greatly increased their record as being an organization that is friendly to every kind of family. They have truly shown support for the moral and religious sensibilities of literally thousands of gay and accepting fans, while doing absolutely nothing to thwart the sensibilities of the thousands of other fans who are in no way required to even acknowledge that the pro-gay event is happening. If there are some who will never look at the Padres the same way they have over the past many years and who are unable to accept its image as accepting of familial diversity, then THAT is really sad."
"Most people do not want their children LITERALLY ambushed by those who think their lives are immoral. Therefore, it is even more joyous that the Padre management would hold their pro-gay event on a day that the Padres are giving away free caps to kids, as acceptance is something best taught at an early age."
"Will gay-headed families any longer find a hostile national baseball event for their children as the se Pride events are spread throughout the U.S.? Hopefully not, as why would ANY organization's management feel the need to cater to those who are foisting their personal, narrow faith views regarding perversion and morality onto secular, crowd-pleasing businesses? We hear that many people who have called to complain about this event have not been taken seriously. But we can't rely on the silliness of the situation to speak for itself, which is why we urge more tolerant fans and families to call or email the Padres and let them know how you feel about your children being exposed to peaceful acceptance. And perhaps next year's ticket sales will reflect the views of those who are truly affected by the Padres management -- the gays who now feel the ballpark to me a more welcoming place!"
San Diego Padres Forget the Children by Upholding Perversion [Christian News Wire]
Your thoughts
How funny that he didn't think the Padres took him seriously. When I emailed them, I thought their response was appropriate. :)
Posted by: Timothy | Jul 3, 2007 2:37:38 PM
Do they think gays are just going to hump in their seats while they watch the game?
If these Christians are so offended by the GLBT community at this game then they should be equally offended in the high divorce and remarriage (adultery) rates in their churches and in society as a whole. Shouldn't they?
What? Divorce and remarriage is no longer a problem for Christians? Think again! Matthew Ch.19 v.9
Hypocrisy is alive and well in Christendom!
Posted by: Ken | Jul 3, 2007 7:20:22 PM
You mean I can't blow players in the dugout anymore???
Posted by: Franc | Jul 4, 2007 7:36:38 PM
Conspicuously missing was any mention of Morgana, "The Kissing Bandit," I believe she's called. I mean, if we want to get into a discussion of what's appropriate for children and what's not...let's cover all of the, ummm, bases? (Sorry for the pun, LOL)
Posted by: Kristen | Jul 5, 2007 9:30:09 AM
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