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'DH' gays have been cast / pretty much assured a GLAAD Award nomination

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 2-88 Memoryalpha Es Images Thumb E E7 Kevinrahm.Jpg 200Px-KevinrahmWell, the gay male "housewives" have been cast. Producers of ABC's "Desperate Housewives" have revealed that Tuc Watkins and Kevin Rahm (pic., from left) will play the gay couple that's moving to Wisteria Lane in the fall:

Exclusive: Housewives Casts First Gay Neighbors [TV Guide]

Here's just hoping that should the aging series officially "jump the shark" this season, it won't be these two who are thrown overboard in an act of sacrifice.

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Your thoughts

Aging? It's only been on for 3 seasons so far. Everyone is beating up on the show now, but it was pretty entertaining last season. Hopefully they will do better with these two than the neutering of Andrew that they did. I wanted to see more of that hot guy on guy pool action like in season 1 but nooooo.

I love Kevin Rahm. Yes, I admit, I watched Judging Amy. Seriously, Amy Breneman and Tyne Daly were just like my mom and grandma (don't know if that's good or bad) and at the time I had a crush on the guy who played the gay kid they sort of adopted.

Posted by: Brandon H | Aug 14, 2007 8:55:49 PM

Yea, I know it's only been 3 seasons, but it does feel a bit aged. The first season was just such a juggernaut, and then the second such a disappointment. I don't know, it just seems like it could jump the proverbial shark at any moment.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Aug 14, 2007 9:01:11 PM

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