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Dobson: Can you believe this judge had the audacity to interpret law?!

by Jeremy Hooper

Dobneg-1In reaction to yesterday's Iowa Ruling in which Judge Robert Hanson deemed the state's DOMA law unconstitutional, Focus on the Family's head Focuser, James Dobson, has the following to say:

Once again, we see an activist judge handing liberal activists what they have not been able to achieve legislatively or at the ballot box: government sanctioning of same-sex marriage," ..."This purely political ruling proves yet again that nothing short of a federal marriage-protection amendment is sufficient to preserve one-man, one-woman marriage in our nation.

By striking down Iowa’s DOMA, Judge Robert Hanson has shown he believes the desires of adults should trump what’s best for children. His ruling represents social engineering at its worst.”

We respond:

"Once again, we see a 'pro-family' figure attacking someone who interprets law as a trade simply because he cast a ruling that did not fit the sort of world their side wants to create: one that keeps gay people viewed and treated as 'lesser than',"..."This purely political attack proves yet again that our opposition will stop at nothing to demean both gays and anyone who views America as a place where all tax-paying citizens should be treated justly.

"By striking down Iowa's DOMA, Judge Robert Hanson has shown he recognizes that the 'children argument' is a red herring trotted out by the 'pro-family' team to make it seem as if those pesky, 'militant' gays are trying to attack rather than unite. His ruling represents a rejection of the sort of social engineering that our opposition wishes to see: that which denies the TRUE social structure of the world and favors only those people who fit the 1950's Ozzie & Harriet-only societal model (the likes of which never truly existed in the first place)!"

Renegade Judge Strikes Down Iowa Defense of Marriage Act [FOF CitizenLink]

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Your thoughts


Posted by: Tina-cious.com | Aug 31, 2007 11:15:24 AM

"“Once again, we see an activist judge handing liberal activists what they have not been able to achieve legislatively or at the ballot box: government sanctioning of same-sex marriage,"

What's wrong with these people? Aren't most judges elected to their position? And those appointed, are they not appointed by persons elected by the people? And is the judicial system not part of the overall system of checks-and-balances? Under Dobson's logic the only way laws are supposed to pass are through ballot initiatives and the only means bad laws are ever removed was through the legislative branches of state and federal government. He needs a civics lesson!

Posted by: Mike | Aug 31, 2007 11:20:02 AM

"He needs a civics lesson!"

But actually, Mike, what is most enraging is that Dobson most likely does not need a civics lesson. He just knows that many of his followers aren't up on the issues and therefore can be duped, so he says whatever he needs/wants to say in order to encourage their rage.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Aug 31, 2007 11:22:49 AM

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