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Gay adoption? Eh, just wing it!
Near this writer's NYC apartment, there exists a yummy lil' buffalo wings place called Atomic Wings. When craving that particular carrot, celery, and bleu cheese side item, my partner and I have always supported that particular establishment, as their wings are simply the best in the area. So imagine my surprise and delight to learn that the owner, Adam Lippin, is both a proud gay and a proud papa who has a very charming adoption tale to share with The NY Times:
A Reason to Take the Early Bus Home [NY Times]
Suddenly the caloric intake seems just a little more justified. Now if only I'd find out that Sam Adams was an early proponent of gay rights, then I'd be golden (fried and dipped in hot sauce)!
Technorati Tags: Adam Lippin, Atomic Wings
Your thoughts
I know there has got to be some dirty double entendre hidden in that post just waiting to be discovered.
Something about a gay man selling hot wings just makes me giggle. More power to em though.
Posted by: Brandon H | Aug 21, 2007 3:43:30 AM
I am the owner of Atomic Wings and I am glad that you liked the article about my family and I appreciate your business .
To Brandon - It makes me giggle too...
Posted by: Adam Lippin | Aug 28, 2007 9:37:09 AM
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