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Iowa marriage: Make your own 'corny' headlines

by Jeremy Hooper

Iowa-FlagFollowing yesterday's favorable gay marriage ruling in Iowa, it is today being reported that a steady stream of gay couples have been lining up to apply for marriage licenses, with at least one couple already getting hitched. News to which this marriage-craving gay New Yorker has but one response: "You f***ing show offs!"

Just kidding. What we at G-A-Y really want to say is: "Mazel tov, Iowa gays, on your promising development! While it will surely be appealed and legal marriage licensing will surely be stayed in the process, there is no debating that yesterday's ruling is just another brick on the path towards equality!"

Just don't tell us if you get any nice wedding gifts. The waffle irons and flatware of which we are being deprived is a major sore spot.

First gay couple legally married in Iowa [AP via Yahoo!]
Iowa applicants seek same-sex marriages [AP via WOI-TV]

**RELATED: Here is how Gov. Chet Culver and some prominent lawmakers reacted to the ruling. Sadly, the gift the governor and House MInority leader seem likely to send the happy couples is a mean-spirited constitutional amendment, not a lovely piece of china:

Governor, Legislative Leaders React To Ruling [KCCI]

**UPDATE: The marriages have now been stayed until the appeal is resolved.

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