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Keith Durbin to serve land of Keith Urban
Tennessee has boldly gone where so many other states have been going for decades: They have elected their first-ever openly gay official! Keith Durbin (pic.) was elected last night to the Nashville City Council (Dist. 18):
And then there were six [Gay Politics]
Now, it has to be noted that Durbin was running unopposed in his race, so essentially he only beat that worthy political adversary known as write-in candidate. However, as someone who was reared in the Volunteer State, this writer can tell you that it's a triumph that he even made it on the ballot. Hell, I once saw a school superintendent candidate nixed because he happened to find The Birdcage funny!
Okay, so not really. But my point is this: Tennessee has one of the longest ways to go in terms of LGBT acceptance, so no matter the lack of concrete opponent, this is still a victory for our side. This Mt. Juliet raised boy has the utmost faith that Durbin will show Music City and the entire state that we gays actually have some bright ideas outside of just planning elaborate country weddings and teasing that high Southern hair!
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Your thoughts
On the other hand, one should not be proud of a candidate simply because he is gay. Let's hope that he brings to the Council a bit more than he brought to the neighborhood association: an indignant, naive, and uncaring attitude toward the "less progressive" residents of his district.
Posted by: MS | Sep 26, 2007 6:23:23 PM
Mike: Nobody is proud of him simply because he is gay. We are, however, happy that a gay man is holding office in the Volunteer State for the first time. It is a hopeful sign, and a nice social statement. One that should have come about years ago.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Sep 26, 2007 6:29:33 PM
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