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Know Thy Beaver State neighbor
The Know Thy Neighbor group, who have caused a stir in Massachusetts and Florida for publishing the names and addresses of those who sign anti-gay petitions, have now announced that they will expand their cause to the state of Oregon. The group will publish the information of those citizens who sign a pair of petitions which are designed to repeal the state's same-sex domestic partnerships and ban on discrimination for LGBT people:
Gay-rights group to publicize signers [StatesmanJournal]
Though this is not to be confused with the No Thigh (or Breast or Leg or Wing) Neighbor group, which will continue to list the name of any and everyone who fails to invite their gay neighbors to their annual block barbecue.
Both, however, are worthy organizations. After all, the public has a right to know who is denying us both equality and potato salad.
Technorati Tags: Know They Neighbor, Oregon
Your thoughts
"No Thigh Neighbor" - Thanks for this bit of humor. I needed that today.
Someday, people will understand that claiming to defend families by attacking the families of others makes absolutely no sense.
I have my fingers crossed.
Aaron Toleos, Director
Posted by: Aaron Toleos | Aug 25, 2007 3:33:31 PM
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