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Pentagon breaks off a talon

by Jeremy Hooper

Pent-1The Pentagon has announced that their Talon database will be shut down on September 17:

Pentagon Closing Talon Database [WaPo]

So why is this of any concern to gays, you ask? Well, unless you have suffered some sort of amnesia or smoked too much memory-mutilating mariju-hoochie, you might recall that this particular program was found to have been used to spy on gay groups who protested "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." These gay groups were at the time deemed some sort of a potential terror threat. And that is really, really stupid.

So yes, we applaud the decline of this suspect Talon program. And we tell that not only to you, dear readers, but also to the tiny hidden camera and wiretap that we have a sneaking suspicion the government has installed here at G-A-Y headquarters.

*See also: SLDN's Steve Ralls has some reaction over at The Bilerico Project: Gov't Disappointed You're Not Kissing More [BilErico]

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Your thoughts

Mariju-hoochie? That's too darn funny. Where do you come up with these? Thanks for the link to Steve's post, btw.

Posted by: Bil Browning | Aug 22, 2007 8:28:42 PM

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