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Video: Appealing 'Onion' rings of truth
The Onion puts the military's gay ban into perspective:
Hmm...maybe they're actually on to something. After all, this does make more sense than the idea that tax-paying, legal citizens are being denied the right to fight and possibly die for their country on the basis of society's bald faced homophobia. Especially considering that those who support the ban tend to be the ones who are so "pro-life" and moral, and the kinds of folks who like to claim that their every action in in the best interest of society's well-being. So maybe there's been a covert gay-protection agenda going on this whole time, with cruel, mean-spirited bias just serving as the cover up? And maybe the government and the bans supporters simply want gays to focus their unique skill sets onto jobs that better suit their strengths? And perhaps they just treat us like dog feces on the shoe of humanity so as to not let the straights know they're playing favorites?
Well, stranger things have happened. Such as: A country continues to discriminate against a sect of people for generations, while the majority turn a blind eye to it all. To us, that concept is FAR more out there!
'Gays Too Precious To Risk In Combat,' Says General [ONN]