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WBC and G-A-Y: Best Friends 4-Eva!
So yesterday we wrote a silly little piece wherein we speculated whether there was some sort of connection between the surname Phelps (as in the Phelps family from Westboro Baptist Church) and extreme gay bias. And in reaction to that piece, our pal at Westboro, Shirley Phelps-Roper, has felt the need to write in and defend her family's actions:
Well don't we feel like bad friends!? So wanting to make it up to our BFFS, we have decided to put together a little video greeting thanking them for all of the wonderful things have done for us over the years:
Sorry for being so insensitive, Shirl!!
Your thoughts
Shirley is a flat-out liar. She claims she is "fighting for your never-dying souls." There have been many statements the Phelpes have made saying Gays can never be save. The reason is God hates them, so He made them gay so they can be sent to Hell. Several are currently on their website, godhatesfags.com.
What the Phelpes are doing is best laid out in the Topeka Capitol-Journal's expose, LOVING GOD'S HATE and ADDICTED TO HATE. Fred Phelps is basically a sadist who enjoys causing pain, and looks for "justification" to do so from the Bible.
One need only read the hair-raising stories of severe child abuse by Phelps and the tragic death of of 17 year-old Debbie Valgos, and Fred's rejoicing on hearing the news of her death. Her offense? She fell in love with Fred, Jr.
Posted by: diebuchen | Aug 11, 2007 12:24:58 AM
Grrrrrr... Stay the hell away from the constitutional rights movement, you are all FRAUDS riding just another wave in order to further your own agenda, and i'll not have you attaching yourselves to this "revolution", nor dupeing anyone that is already in this movement into your twisted & horridly warped perception of God. You deny the God of Love and embrace a god of hate, of which the former was the inspiration for our Inalienable Rights, and thusly they do not apply to you. Don't you dare pretend to be constitutional rights activists, because by your own doctrine they are not your rights to be active about.
Posted by: Nahn | Jul 24, 2008 3:55:47 AM
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