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Where there's smoke, there's a Pride parade

by Jeremy Hooper
"In nearly three decades of risking his life on the job, San Diego Fire Captain John Ghiotto said he'd never experienced real stress until he and his colleagues were forced to march in the city's "gay pride parade."

The above is how the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins begins a short piece that he has written in regards to the four San Diego firefighters who are suing over their "forced parade participation."

We respond:

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 1023 1067253449 E11Cda36Da 1356 1067230609 3F4914062C
 1057 1068121986 7977397067 1047 1022485396 24D5D1Da8B

"Yea? Seriously? We could have sworn the sweltering, flesh-peeling, breath-robbing, poison-laden, destructive, life-ending flames were FAR MORE stressful! Who knew?!

Guess we should remove our smoke detector from the wall and replace it withe a Pride flag and drag queen-sensing one! Good to know."

San Diego Firemen Rescue the Culture [FRC]

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Your thoughts

Boo Hoo, poor little crybaby Firemen. Are you born with the delicate sensibilities of a sheltered little girl, or is it something that developes in Fireman school?

Posted by: Franc | Aug 14, 2007 10:34:48 PM

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