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An FOF picture worth a thousand 'Huh?'s

by Jeremy Hooper

To highlight their latest coverage of The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), the folks at Focus on the Family are today running this image:


And you know what? We don't get it! ENDA is all about protecting the LGBT community from job bias on the basis of their sexual orientation. Focus on the Family likes to claim that it's all about "special rights" for gay employees. But what in this picture highlights either side's view?!

-The computer monitor is not only ancient, but also queer? And they gave it an unmatching black keyboard to hint that homosexuality is not key?

-Is the female employee a lesbian, with Focus is trying to imply that she's drawing up some militant posters to support her agenda to undermine marriage?

-The dude is gay and they are trying to convey that he's having a loud conversation about the gay sex he had last night, much to the chagrin of the lady next to him?

-They are trying to foster the "pink for girls, blue for boys" mentality via the subjects' attire?

Consider us confused!

Wouldn't it have been easier, FOF, to just show a female office worker cowering the fear in the corner of her cubicle while her neighboring coworker dances in ass-less chaps while waving a pride flag? After all, inundating your base with extreme fear and crude misrepresentation has been the crux of your campaigns against this particular piece of legislation. Why the turn towards subtlety now?

U.S. House Set to Vote on Special Rights for Gay Employees [FOF CitizenLink]

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Your thoughts

Well, the guy looks like he has a limp wrist, so I'd say he's supposed to be gay. What the issue is supposed to be, however, I have no clue. Maybe it's the "special rights" thing, and the guy is shown in a better position than the woman because he's gay and not her?

Posted by: Dragonclaws | Sep 16, 2007 3:52:10 AM

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