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Craig: He (allegedly tried to) take a licking and keeps on ticking

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 11-46Despite his announcement on Saturday that we would resign from the Senate on the 30th of this month, it is now being reported that Sen. Larry Craig is reconsidering the decision. According to the AP, he may still try and fight to stay in his seat (wide stance and all):

Craig Reconsiders Decision to Resign [AP via Google]

News to which the RNC building door that sometimes hits people in the ass on their way out (despite sarcastic warnings from others) personified itself and responded: "Ah dude, ya just gotta pass through me! These haven't so universally acknowledged my existence since Foleygate! Like all good doors, I just want to feel needed. Whatdya say? I promise I'll be gentle!"

We'll have to wait and see if Craig will, in fact, pass through said door on 9/30. If there is truly a closet door from which he needs to make an exodus, we also sincerely hope he will find the gumption to pass through that one as well (whether he ultimately resigns or not).

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