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Daddy's wedding photos get hijacked

by Jeremy Hooper

So how do the queer-antipathetic folks at California's so-called "Campaign for Children and Families" highlight their gay-unfriendly coverage of the state legislature's approval of gay marriage? Well, by taking a sweet image from a sweet pro-gay children's book and trying to make it look unsavory:

Picture 3-73

Picture 4-79Yes, that's an image from Daddy's Wedding, a children's book meant to help kids understand that love and relationships come in many forms. But of course in the hands of our opposition, it's instead an image meant to stir up the fears of their man-man kissing base. And what's truly sad is that they don't even feel they have to alter the image in any way in order to use it for their exploitative purposes. They truly think that the image is so offensive, it will call their gay ban-happy troops to action as is.


But you know, considering how raging our opposition's detestation for all things homo-friendly and how threatening they think we are to innocent children, perhaps we should simply be glad they didn't opt for the witch from Hansel & Gretel. Or then again, maybe they're just saving that one for the day when they inevitably lose their fight to keep equality at bay.

*The image: SaveCalifornia.com [CCF]

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Your thoughts

I wonder if they received permission to use that illustration? If not, I hope the holders of the copyright sue their asses off.

Posted by: Tom | Sep 10, 2007 1:41:48 PM

For the little good i am sure it will do i wrote them an e-mail along with the author and publisher.

Posted by: Patrick B | Sep 11, 2007 1:44:54 AM

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