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Divided we now stand to pass a non-united measure this fall

by Jeremy Hooper

Lgb-TWell, as suspected/feared, it looks like The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) will be separated into two separate bills: One geared towards sexual orientation and another geared towards gender identity. Advocate has the scoop:

ENDA to be separated into two bills, one for sexual orientation and one for gender identity [Advocate]

And now that the news has been made public, HRC has broken their silence on the matter and released an official statement from Joe Solmonese. In it, he basically says that (a) they did and still do want an inclusive ENDA, but (b) are probably not going to rage against the new Dem strategy in the same ways that other LGB-"T!!!!" groups have. Read it for yourself:

Statement from Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solomonese on recent ENDA developments [HRC Back Story]

Get ready, fans; we have a feeling some gay activist sh*t is about to hit ya!

**UPDATE: Pam Spaulding has some thoughts on this "family fight." Sean Bugg has another take. Bilerico has Barney Frank's reasoning behind the new strategy.

**UPDATE2: Click here to encourage Congress to support the original ENDA!

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Your thoughts

ABOUT THE ENDA BETRAYAL; do the Democrats think no one is paying attention and we just won't notice their latest dismal treachery? Bargaining away our rights is nothing new for Barney Frank; he took the same backward position on samesex marriage to provide cover for fellow Democrats scrambling for votes in the presidential follies. Now he's going to throw transgendered people under the bus.

The Democrats are willing to pass bills that slosh a cosmetic whitewash over the harmful effects of bigotry but precious little else. If they were serious they’d start by repealing the Clintons DADT and DOMA. Then they’d change ENDA and the Matthew Shepard act to give them real teeth.

It ‘s a step forward to put more thugs in jail for hate crimes but the worst criminals are the political and religious bigots who promote violence. Until the heavy hand of the law yanks them out of their churches and offices and into cells their bigotry will embolden a fresh supply of thugs who’ll keep coming at us.

As it stands, the Democrats and liberal Republicans are just going to continue their duplicity; they’ll tell anyone silly enough to believe them that, “God knows, we tried, really we did, but our hands are tied.’’ They’ll wheel and deal about whether or not transgendered people are worthy or being treated as equal citizens. They’ll attach the hate crimes bill to a war appropriations measure and if it gets lost in the House/Senate conference committee or vetoed by Bush they can claim they fought the good fight. These stage managed dramas are put on create the illusion that these cynical sell outs are on our side but a rapidly growing number of GLBT people know it’s a lie.

ABOUT THE ELECTION; when you get fed up with the war and being sold out consider not squandering your vote on the twin parties of war and bigotry. Use it positively by voting for antiwar anti-bigot leftwing parties or best of all for the union led US Labor Party. Beyond that, we need to begin seriously questioning our allegiance to a social and political system that requires imperial wars of aggression to sustain itself and bigotry to divide and rule at home.

ABOUT HRC and Solmonese, he and HRC are disgraceful lap dogs of the Democrats. The more they identify themselves with Democrats the sooner they'll become isolated. That trend will accelerate when the Democrats win in 2008 (unless there's another coup d'etat).

Posted by: Bill Perdue | Sep 28, 2007 7:59:39 PM

I've already contacted my legislators. L's, G's, and B's must stand up and say we're against this act as it stands. If we don't, we're no better than the majorities in the states that are willing to vote for laws that dictate what a minority can and cannot do. I hope we all do the right thing and protest loudly. As for HRC, I guess some of my friends have been right all along. My monthly payments to them will stop.

Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Sep 29, 2007 7:35:16 PM

For me, I will not support this bill that will half-protect me and protect some of my brothers and sisters but not others. And I will not support those legislators who are willing to defer justice for some in the name of expediency.


Posted by: Cindi Knox | Sep 30, 2007 9:52:05 PM

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