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Everyday America vs. every gay American
A newly formed group calling itself "Rulings Are Only Acceptable When We Agree With Them" "Everyday America" is launching a bid to get Iowa District Court Judge Robert Hanson impeached because of his recent ruling that the state's ban on gay marriages is unconstitutional:
Group seeks to oust judge who overturned gay marriage law [Radio Iowa]
When asked with whom they'd like to replace Hanson, the group was heard to respond, "either God, Jesus, my cousin Stu who tells that funny joke about the queers, or the ghost of Ronald Reagan" (in that order).
Your thoughts
"When asked who they'd like to replace Hanson with, the group was heard to respond, "God, Jesus, my cousin Stu who tells that funny joke about the queers, or the ghost of Ronald Reagan" (in that order)."
Posted by: Franc | Sep 12, 2007 9:31:15 PM
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