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Poll: WND readers trivialize 'f*gs' roles in society
So remember earlier this morning when we showed you a video of Jerry Lewis seemingly saying "f*g" live on-ar? Well, look how the "good" and "moral" conservatives at WorldNetDaily have responded to a poll on the subject:
(results as of 2:33PM)
Wow. If he did, in fact, say "f*g," the vast majority of these respondents see nothing wrong with such an uttering? While we knew that WorldNetDaily has not problem demonizing gay existences with unbridled fury, we still thought their peeps would adamantly oppose such hurtful slurs. Seriously, WND -- what sort of readers are you attracting, and what sort of messages are you fostering for them?!
But hey, these socially conservative kids also seem to think it's okay to call someone "pro-family" when they are in fact "anti-gay," so the importance of fair and accurate labels would not seem to be a strong point!
What do you think Jerry Lewis said in last night's telethon? [WND Poll]
*Past WND Polls:
Poll: Heather Poe shouldn't expect Mother's Day cards from WND readers [G-A-Y]
WND Poll: WND's dropping 'e' [G-A-Y]
WND Poll: Results coming in at a frightening Pace [G-A-Y]
Poll: Gay soldiers probably wouldn't want to be a WND reader's bunkmate [G-A-Y]
Our planned store, 'Pride flags for WorldNet readers,' not the best of ideas [G-A-Y]
Or maybe they just REALLY liked Star and Meredith [G-A-Y]
Acceptance in 'skews' [G-A-Y]
We never want to be in a police lineup when a 'WorldNet' reader is on the other side [G-A-Y]
Technorati Tags: Jerry Lewis, WorldNet