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Video: 'Brokeback' was all about the mountin'?
Oh Andy Towle, you're not gonna like this. A YouTube user is now making the case that the instant gay classic Brokeback Mountain is actually "a disgrace to homosexuals":
Wow! Now that's quite an oversimplified look at a very complicated film and a very complex relationship. And we would actually argue that the bond between Ennis and Jack had less to do with sex and far more to do with the genuine attraction they had for one another, the freedom they felt for the first time when they were along together on the mountain, and the anguish of not being free to have a life together. And we would argue that one should not gauge the gay-friendliness of any gay-themed work if they themselves us the term "homosexual lifestyle."
But then we pause and remember that High School Musical #1 is not the hottest thing on TV, the Downing Street Memo is not the hot political topic of the day, and we are not currently rooting for Chris Daughtry to win "American Idol," so therefore it must no longer be February 2006 and Brokeback discussions might no longer be topical or even interesting fodder. In fact, we're quite bored of this post ourselves, so we're just going to abruptly end it right now.
"Brokeback Mountain" is a disgrace!! [YouTube]
Your thoughts
As a gay man some of the reasons that were pointed out about why Brokeback Mountain is a disgrace - I kinda agreed with and I felt that after watching the movie.
However I also agree with you that the reasons giving were a bit oversimplify the movie.
That being said I rooted for Crash to win that year and I thought it was a better movie.
Posted by: Alonzo | Sep 7, 2007 1:02:49 PM
Oh My Oh My. I never thought this video would land on this type of web page. Lol So I feel the need to explain myself. I am the daughter of a Homosexual man. To whom I am very proud of. This video to me doesn't portray the way gay men treat their children. It doesn't show me romance. It doesn't even show me love! It was good to get a movie out about homosexuals in love however they could have done a better job. Showing gay men in a more realistic light. Showing the love and affection, showing them being great to their children, showing them to be great people. Not just meeting up once a year for sex. I had high expectations for this movie and was disappointed. Thats all I have to say. Nice website by the way.
Love you all.
Posted by: Jill | Mar 19, 2008 2:04:49 AM
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