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Video: Except at this Super Bowl, the ads (and attacks) are much cheaper
Did you all know that we gays have our own "Super Bowl"? And did you know that our "Super Bowl of Sin" was held yesterday in New Orleans? No, us neither. Fortunately, however, the humorously anti-gay folks at "YokeUp" were there to provide color commentary:
Our only thought: Who knew that Sodom and Gomorrah consisted of people standing around talking and looking kind of bored? Because while we know "YokeUp" wants this to look like a parade of debauchery, the only truly "depraved" concept being shown in this video comes from those who feel as if they have all of the answers about humanity, and that Jesus has commanded them to judge their fellow man in such in a forcefully militant manner.
Then again, maybe we've just seen too many "Girls Gone Wild" type of videos in which straight men yell at young women to "show us your t*ts" to be shocked by a gaggle of gay boys standing around drinking beer!
SuperBowl of Sin [YouTube]
Your thoughts
I never suspected that Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by boredom. However, I think the Christian right should send Ted Haggard to evangelize at next year's Southern Decadence. He'll love it.
Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Sep 4, 2007 2:49:18 PM
Why do these fundies always sound stoned when they're elaborating on society's sad state of affairs?
Posted by: Dustin | Sep 4, 2007 3:07:59 PM
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