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Video: Get these kids a GSA, pronto!
Today's teens may be more accepting than their precedessors. However, it would seem we still have a long way to go:
But then again, "gay comfort levels" do have a funny way of altering themselves once one reaches college (at least in our personal experience). So here's hoping these diligent researchers will do a followup at the 10 year reunion, when a portion of these kids will likely have had a chance to discover that its heterosexual intimacy that doesn't comfortably fit into their picture.
In the meantime, we'd like these disgusted students to look inside themselves and ask: "Why the repulsion?" After all, this gay male finds the female form about as desirable as four more years of a Bush presidency, yet he still sees joy in visual representations of f/f and m/f intimacy. So while I'm not making any insinuations or non-educated guesses about what's going on in any of the repulsed teens' noggins, I must admit that what's most interesting to me about this "study" is not what is revealed in the answers, but rather what can be gleaned from the protestations. They'd seem to be a little bit in the "doth...too much" category.
The Gay Comfort Level [YouTube]
Your thoughts
That was a really neat experiment. Pretty good scientific statistic gathering on behalf of high school students. It makes me wonder what results could be gleaned from my own high school...
Posted by: Karanis | Sep 25, 2007 10:45:26 AM
I think one thing that affected the answers a person gave even more than personal preference was the number of people (friends) present when the test took place.
Just look at the cute guy who was asked about the two men and off camera you could hear one of his friends say TWELVE! but he ignored him and said three. Then one of his friends said, "REALLY, now I'm gonna start worrying about you!".
It shows me that there is incredible peer pressure to be homophobic, especially against gay males.
Posted by: Zeke | Sep 25, 2007 1:48:47 PM
Absolutely, Zeke. In fact, that was an idea I meant to mention.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Sep 25, 2007 2:02:59 PM
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