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Wherein Tony uses a rubber to protest protection

by Jeremy Hooper

So what sort of graphic does the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins (or one of his minions) would use to highlight a story regarding democrats' attempts, among other things, pass gay-inclusive hate crimes legislation? The word "hate" with a cross drawn through it, perhaps? Or maybe a picture of a gay victim who has lost their life for simply daring to be true to themselves, with a passionate caption in which Tony begs his followers to help end the violence? Or possibly just some catchy slogan like, "ELIMINATING HATE: A NON-PARTISAN NO-BRAINER"?

Well, unfortunately Tony has chosen none of the above. This is what he uses instead:

Picture 16-21

And it's just oh-so cute, right? Sending the message that gays and Democrats are deadset on erasing "American values" -- what could be more reasoned and sane?!

But ya know, we do have one question for Tony and crew. That is: Why did you guys choose to crop out the most important part?:


Because call us crazy-ass liberal commies if you must, but we think the most vital thing Americans need to understand about this whole hate crimes debate is that gay lives are still very much threatened in this country. And they need to see how the religious right, of which Tony Perkins and FRC are a major part, are once again positioning the issue as if we pesky gays are taking something away from straight, Christian, America, rather than adding something progressive and protective to America, period! And we think citizens need to understand that the religious right uses such tactics so that they can much more readily get away with fostering and supporting discrimination if they hide the bias behind this veil of "values protection."

So Tony, we sincerely hope that the next time you try and make it seem as if proponents of proposed hate crimes legislation are putting an eraser to "American values," you will paint for them a fuller picture. We understand that actually listening to the other side's arguments and considering for a second that gays are not the enemy might not be the most conducive strategy to rally the impressionable ranks among your troops. But then again, being murdered is not conducive to any gay person's strategy to stay alive!

They're Baaaaaaaaack! [FRC]

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Your thoughts

I hope I never meet these people.

Posted by: Tina-cious.com | Sep 7, 2007 7:58:53 AM

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