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Because writing 'We've gone nuts' on the board would've been too direct

by Jeremy Hooper

Simply because he voted against a state constitutional ban on gay marriage, some New Jersey-based foes of the 'mos have erected the following billboard in Springfield, MA, as a way to attack Mass. State Rep Angelo Puppolo:

Picture 2-96

NOM Launches "Betrayed" billboard campaign across Massachusetts [NOM] 
Billboard attacks gay marriage vote [Springfield Republican]

Wow. Just wow.

But honestly, it would seem that the organizational voices responsible for this billboard are the ones who should truly feel like traitors. After all, the sheer lunacy of this unhinged character assassination makes it seem as if it was designed by a covert operative determined to destroy the last shreds of credibility belonging to a dying "pro-family" movement.


**UPDATE: The group responsible for the billboard, the newly launched National Organization for Marriage (link above), is headed by Brian Brown. You might remember Brian Brown as the man who has been protesting gay marriage in Connecticut for the past few years.

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