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'But we're not done playing smear the queer yet,' cries far-right

by Jeremy Hooper

Responding to the news that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed four bills that encourage the betterment of gay people in the state of California, Karen England of the "pro-family" Capitol Resource Institute tells One News Now:

"...apparently he doesn't want to be the governor of all the people -- just the gay, lesbian, transgender caucus people in California,"..."And he's going to force this on all of us, from north to south."

England says in her 12 years of lobbying for the pro-family movement in California, these were the worst bills to get through the legislature and be signed into law. She is hopeful their implementation in the state over the next year will be what finally shocks into action those conservatives who seemed doubtful about pro-family claims that the extreme measures could become law.

So she makes it all sound very evil and insidious, right? But let's look at the bills Ms. England is talking about, shall we? (1) SB777: Encourages non-discrimination in the state's schools. (2) AB 394: Clarifies schools' current safety standards in regards to harassment and discrimination. (3) AB 102: Allows both married couples and those who have entered into a domestic partnership to change their surname at the time of their marriage/ DP registration. (4) AB 14: Prohibits discrimination in state funded programs and activities.

Terminator 4 True Lies 2Wow, Arnold -- YOU EVIL MONSTER! How dare you work to curb ass-kickings?! How dare you allow free, tax-paying people to more easily take the surname they wish? How dare you cater to the LGBT caucus by helping to protect them in the ways that most every other group (including religious people) already is?! How dare you work towards society's betterment?!

[::Writer rolls eyes so dramatically, he's sure Ms. England will accuse him or serving only those people who understand that eye rolls are a way to convey sarcasm::]

Not to mention, if there is any one group who should be pissed at Arnold's weekend activities, it is the California gay community who, despite the aforementioned progressions, were once again denied the marriage equality that they deserve due to the unfortunate stoke of Gov. Schwarzenegger's pen. If this is how he "caters" to our caucus, then we must remember to order the full meal next time instead of just the appetizer!!

Schwarzenegger gives homosexual measures a thumbs-up [One News Now]

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Your thoughts

His new veto rings a bell, doesn’t it?

It brings to mind the evisceration of ENDA by Frank and Pelosi. And what the Clintons did when they sunk their teeth into our asses with DADT and DOMA.

Who says that bipartisanship is dead

Posted by: Bill Perdue | Oct 16, 2007 12:08:57 AM

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