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Craig: Romney left tire tracks on my face
The AP has published some excerpts from the interview that Matt Lauer has conducted with Sen. Larry Craig (which is set to air tomorrow night). And the most revelatory revelation from those released excerpts? That Craig feels betrayed by Mitt Romney, who immediately abandoned the GOP senator in the days after the toe-tapping allegations came to light. Craig reportedly tells Lauer:
"I was very proud of my association with Mitt Romney," "... And he not only threw me under his campaign bus, he backed up and ran over me again."
A statement that actually makes this gay feel more connected to Craig than ever, regardless of the senator's true sexual orientation. After all, Romney has thrown the LGBT community under the bus so often, we're starting to empathize with speed bumps!
We'll have to wait and hear what else Craig will reveal about the scandal to which his name (and feet) will forever be attached. Then, most likely, we'll have to make our own assumptions about the truth of the matter, as frankly, Craig has come across about as honest, direct, and straightforward during this whole situation as...well, as Mitt Romney.
Sen. Craig says he'll appeal, lashes out at Romney [AP via CNN]
Technorati Tags: Larry Craig, Mitt Romney