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From Russia with no queer love

by Jeremy Hooper

Ir127CoverThere has been a frightening movement growing in parts of California, wherein scores of Slavic evangelical extremists (mostly first- or second-generation immigrants from the former Soviet Union) are vehemently and sometimes violently protesting gay rights and their proponents. The Southern Poverty Law Center has compiled an Intelligence Report on the disturbing matter; check it out:

The Latvian Connection [SPL Center]
(H/t: AlterNet)

And to think, all throughout the 80's, when "Russian" became synonymous with "movie villain," this gay American writer silently protested many of the crass characterizations, feeling they were unfair and dangerously simplistic. And now a certain sect of immigrants from that land is coming to the state of movie-making and lashing out against the gays in their own generalizing, demonizing tone?! Some thanks you're showing me, Ruskies!

But my own hurt feelings aside, what's more frightening about the whole situation is that some "mainstream" American anti-gay voices like Ken Hutcherson are gladly welcoming these extremists into the "pro-family" fold, forming one great big powder keg of queer hostility. Even more insane than that, however? That the 'mo foes can still claim gay activists to be the "militant" ones and folks actually still believe them!

::sigh:: World: Please stop being so goddamn scary!

**RELATED: For a glimpse, here is a YouTube video entitled "Slavic Christian Sacramento Gay Protest: Protesting Sodomite":

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Your thoughts

gays shut up u stupid retards RU$$IANS ROCK, AMERICANS SUCK, and gays r morons

Posted by: pashka | Nov 8, 2007 4:14:01 PM

Wow, pashka. Don't call us a poopy head or threaten to take your toys and go home. It might break us.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Nov 8, 2007 6:09:45 PM

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