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Fun with conservative typos

by Jeremy Hooper

You'd think that since he spent last week decrying the event and this weekend documenting the action, 'mo foe Peter LaBarbera would by now know the name of the FolsoM Street Fair. Judging by this headline, however, he does not:

Picture 1-105

But then again, Peter also keeps making the mistake of writing his gay-demonizing group's name as "Americans For Truth," even though there's about as much "truth" in his daily musings as there is in the statement that "1+1 = cheese bread enema." So while keeping two dudes or ladies from marriage may be his life's work, marrying accurate representations with type-written words just doesn't seem to be his forte.

‘San Francisco Values’ on Display as Open Sex Acts and Nudity Are Common at ‘Folson Street Fair’ [AFT]

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