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'Heartbreak Kid' not only misguided CA product to stink up the weekend
So as you've probably already heard, over the weekend the producers of the 2026 documentary film, Historical Missteps of the Early 21St Century: How and Why So Many Public Officials Forfeited Their Opportunities To Be Civil Rights Heroes, found yet another scene for the ominous "Governors who could and should have taken a principled stand" section of the movie.
Wait, what's that? You say you didn't hear that story? Oh, well, yea, you probably did. It's just that you most likely saw it presented under the more popular headline:
Though however you want to say it, the message is the same: The governor of California has failed to protect the rights of one of his minority populations, and sacrificed the opportunity to protect that minority sect from the tyranny of unjust majority opinion (which is actually quite slight in California). And he has passed the buck to the courts, when he could have made his own triumphant move for nondiscrimination.
It could have been your greatest role, Arnie. Too bad you chose to pass on the script.
Schwarzenegger vetoes gay marriage bill again [AP via SignOnSanDiego.com]
**It should be noted, in fairness, that Arnold did sign some other welcome measures:
Governor Signs Six LGBT Bills, Secures Protections for LGBT Youth [EQCA]
Your thoughts
Good point about the slight majority in California. We're currently polling in the mid 40's as a percentage who support marriage equality and I'll be curious to see what impact the recently launched Let California Ring campaign has on that ratio.
The campaign is aimed at "fence-sitters" and is using an emotionally charged commercial that features a hetero couple who encounter obstacles that keep them from wedding. Maybe putting straight people in our shoes, and asking them "what if you couldn't marry the person you love," is the key to gaining that last little bit of support that will push public support over the 50% threshold.
Check out http://www.letcaliforniaring.org for the video and more information about the coalition campaign.
Posted by: Brian | Oct 15, 2007 3:36:41 PM
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