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Her work was righteous? Honorable? ... Hmm, can't think of the right word

by Jeremy Hooper

NobleBefore there was a Mark Leno in every state house and a Tammy Baldwin in the halls of Congress, there was Elaine Noble. Back in 1974, she became the first openly lesbian or gay candidate elected to a state legislature (Mass.). Today in 2007, she is speaking to the Philadelphia Gay News about her experience then, as well as life in the years since. Check it out:

A Talk with Elaine Noble [Philadelphia Gay News via Windy City Times]

And you must remember, whippersnappers, that 1974 was a time when just having a name like Ima VaginaLover could disqualify a person for any job, much less an elected one. So even in liberal Massachusetts, Noble's achievement (and subsequent re-eelction) was something progressive, and her openness was quite brave. We all owe her a bit of gratitude.

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