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Lynwood convention: From Russia with no gay love
Remember when we told you about the rise of Slavic anti-gay extremists that is being documented throughout California? Well, unfortunately that frightening affront to societal progression seems to only be ramping up its popularity, with the big dogs of that movement this weekend holding a conference (recruitment drive?) in Lynnwood, Washington. And rightfully, it is an event that is drawing major ire from reasoned voices (both gay and straight) from across the nation:
Lynnwood Christian conference raises worries [Seattle Times]
At issue: Should the Lynwood Convention Center (who seems woefully ignorant of the nature of this group) be allowing an organization that is, by many accounts, as hateful and extreme as the KKK. Of course all fair-minded people support freedom, but does the "Watchmen on the Walls" group's uber-divisive message go beyond the scope of deserved acceptance? Is the presence of the group a literal threat to not only the ear canals of those who hear their queer-detesting message, but also to the physical well-being of the local LGBT population?
Here's hoping we don't find the answer to that last question in this weekend's tragic headlines! And here's also hoping that in the future, public facilities will at least do a little more research before waving their red cloth in front of a bronking bull!
**Jim Burroway has loads more over at Box Turtle Bulletin. Also, Slog has been monitoring the whole situation. Check both of those out.
**Oh, and here's a video from one of the conference's speakers, Scott Lively (author of a book that blames gays for the Holocaust). Especially watch the part around 8:48 where some in the audience applaud a gay man's death:
Your thoughts
revolting...how aabsolutely revolting. And the audacity of Russian immigrants(quite known for their penchant for violence) to oppose gay rights.
Posted by: Nikko | Oct 17, 2007 5:01:04 PM
Quite known for their penchant for violence? As a sane, generally violence-avoidant Russian immigrant, Nikko, I'd really have to dispute that claim, unless you meant it in jest.
In fact, what we really need to do is to form a group of GLBT Russians and allies, and speak out against this nonsense. We're out there, but it's true that Russian culture is heartbreakingly homophobic. The people who speak out in Russia are very brave, because they're very alone, but America is more accepting in that respect, and we should work on changing these immigrants' minds.
Posted by: Marie S | Oct 18, 2007 1:45:53 AM
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