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Poor Larry -- he's getting snark form all sides
Look who's getting snarky! This is from a new post on the blog of the Family Research Council:
And that asterisk? Well, it leads readers to a link to the IMDB page for the queer-themed movie In & Out, which would seem to be a clear testament that even the staunch conservatives don't buy Larry's "I'm not gay" lies.
Or, maybe they just think Larry shares a shocking resemblance to Kevin Kline or Joan Cusack. You make the call.
In & Out* [FRC Blog]
Your thoughts
changed his "stance."
"stall" his departure.
take this "sitting down."
It's about time the FRC made me laugh!
Posted by: Michael H | Oct 7, 2007 10:13:32 PM
Yea, it's good to see they have some humor in them. However, the whole item is very bizarre. I don't get the reason for asterisking and linking the headline to the IMDB page for 'In & Out.' Did that headline really need more explanation?
Like I said -- bizarre. Not to mention, when you factor in the fact that the group spends their every day demonizing gays, it's hard to not think that they're being malicious in their de-closeting.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Oct 7, 2007 10:30:56 PM
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