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'Roid rage for gay actor

by Jeremy Hooper

Asteroids 072If you see a rainbow orb floating through the other end of your telescope, don't fret. For it's just that openly gay "Star Trek" and "Heroes" star George Takei now has an asteroid named after him:

Group Renames Asteroid for George Takei [AP via Google]

Relatedly, we hear "Star Trek"s Captain Kirk was recently honored with a hemorrhoid, which came about because he pushed too hard when he "Shatnered."

So congratulations are in order to both former crew members of the Enterprise! Oh, and we just want to say to William: If it gets too bad, you can always have Scotty the proctologist "beam it off."

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Your thoughts

I just tossed my lunch.

Posted by: Franc | Oct 4, 2007 1:28:57 PM

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