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Rowling to world: Get the f*** over it!

by Jeremy Hooper

Rowling2Author J.K Rowling has responded to all the fuss that's been stirred up since she announced that her Dumbledore character is gay. In a pair of perfect quotes, she says to critics:

"It has certainly never been news to me that a brave and brilliant man could love other men"


"He is my character. He is what he is and I have the right to say what I say about him"

Amen, sister! Now if only God would command you to write an updated, more accurately translated version of the Bible, we'd be in good shape.

Dumbledore brave, brilliant; why not gay: Rowling [Reuters]

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Your thoughts

Fuss? I squealed in delight at the news. But then I'm not the media. In fact, I diverted a potential career in journalism because of sensationalism.

Posted by: Howard | Oct 24, 2007 10:00:06 AM

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