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Tale of two Freds gets wider notice
So remember yesterday when we told you how Westboro Baptist is claiming that they once saw "eye to eye" with Fred Thompson on gay rights issues? Well, that story has now hit the mainstream media, with the AP now running this story on the matter:
Anti-Gay Church Says Thompson Agreed [AP via Fox News]
Of course the Thompson camp is already dismissing the claims, since Westboro's wackiness makes dismissals extremely easy. But did Thompson and Phelps once see "eye to eye"? Was his gay stance as "wonderful" as Westboro claims? Well, since the story does seem to now be catching hold, we want to take a second and repost the respons that we received yesterday from WBC"S Shirley Phelps-Roper, as (a) it might have gotten overlooked in our update to yesterday's post, and (b) nobody in the mainstream media is likely to print exactly what comes out of Shirley's mouth, opting instead for soundbites:
Hi Jeremy –
I inquired of this matter more closely and this is what I learned:
During the Tomson vs Stephen trial when Fred Thompson was here in Topeka, he spent some time visiting with my dad. During the course of that visit, they had some discussions about the scriptures - Thompson talked about a verse in Acts 1 or 2 about baptism; Thompson went to the verse; asked if my dad knew what "baptitso" means and so forth; and my dad had some impression that at one point along the way he was hooked up with the Campbellites. It was in that discussion that they had some conversation about the moral issues, including the sin of Sodom! As for photos – trials are NOT what you call photo ops, unless the press is interested!
As for what Marge said – there is NOTHING inconsistent with what she said and what my dad experienced with Fred Thompson – this nation has gone so overboard about the dead soldiers that there is not a politician in this country that would DARE speak to anything that do as anything but bad! If you could get Thompson to say what he thinks about moral issues, he would have about 100,000 words to describe why that has NOTHING to do with what we are doing at the soldiers funerals!
What more can I tell you about that?
Stay tuned for more.