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That's just Rude, Giuliani

by Jeremy Hooper

RudeRudy Giuliani certainly pandered to the crowd of this weekend's so-called Values Voters Summit. He did not, however, come out in support of a gay marriage ban the way Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee did, which was at least somewhat refreshing.

But does "America's mayor" privately support a measure that would write discrimination for a set of Americans into the constitution? Well, Values Voters organizer Tony Perkins tells The Hill newspaper that he just might:

Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, told The Hill Saturday that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) would support a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

Perkins said Giuliani told him in a private meeting that if the Defense of Marriage Act appeared to be failing or if multiple states began to legalize same-sex marriages, then he would support the constitutional amendment.
Perkins said that was not enough to assuage his concerns about Giuliani, but “it was nice to hear.”

"Nice to hear," indeed. After all, we wouldn't want voters to be tricked into thinking they were getting the version of Rudy that was once seen as fairly gay-friendly; we want everyone to be fully aware that this is Rudy 2.0: The thrice-married candidate who seems to feel that his multiple trips down the aisle have made him an expert in defining the institution for everyone else. The version of Rudy whose pro-choice views will never earn him the vote of the far-right, and whose increasingly narrow views on other issues will cause him to lose the vote of the moderates. The Rudy Giuliani who wants to come across as all things to all people, but whose waffling, double-talking, progression-stifling stances will ultimately lead him to be seen as the embodiment of all that is wrong in American politics. Not the Rudy who we used to think we could possibly even live with in the off chance that he made it to 1600 Pennsylvania, but rather the Rudy who will tell us who we should be able to live with at our own addresses.

Thanks for sharing, Mr. Perkins.

Perkins: Giuliani supports marriage amendment [The Hill]

**UPDATE: Rudy claimed in last night's GOP debate that his position is consistent:

You must forgive all of us who thought his past declarations to support gay rights meant a constitutional marriage ban was outside his realm of possibility. We must have forgotten that in the world of right-wing politics, "pro-gay" can still mean that you'd support the cruelest and most unjust gay ban to ever enter the ether.

**UPDATE2: Check out Logo's Visible Vote blog for more on this.

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