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Video: Kansas family holds weekend gathering
We haven't shown you the lunacy of a Westboro Baptist protest in quit some time. So here, have a look at their recent picket of the 26th Annual Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service in Emmitsburg, MD (as filmed by Velvet Revolution):
It's always heartwarming to see a decent American family spending some quality time together. In fact, does anyone know where we can see a video of such a family? Because after that crazy-ass display of a family who's been brainwashed by a religious extremist into wasting their lives hating any and everything, we need some wholesome, soul-cleansing imagery to wash away the yuck. Here, this should do the trick:
Oh, wait a second -- this just in: Westboro has just condemned Peter Brady for spilling his volcano's seed, Marcia for wearing such a slutty outfit, Mike and Carol Brady for remarrying in the first place, and Sam the butcher for delivering Alice his meat while not in the confines of marriage. So tough, they are!
Holier Than Thou [YouTube]