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Bad news, Singaporean 'gay'mers

by Jeremy Hooper

The reliably anti-gay censors in the reliably anti-gay nation of Singapore have placed a ban on the forthcoming Xbox 360 game "Mass Effect" (set to be released globally on Nov. 20) because of the lesbian content within the digitized world. Sapphic scenes like this one are what apparently irked the morality police:

Tame if you ask us. But then again, we also used to make Jeff and Syd make out when playing "Maniac Mansion," so clearly we got over our antipathy for same-sex video game hanky panky when Reagan was still in office!

Now, this ban certainly doesn't bode well for the Singaporean sales of the forthcoming "L Word" spinoff game, "Bette Porter: Vagina Raider," or the Singaporean existences of those boys who like to play with another boy's Wii. Yet for those locals who think no video game could ever compare to the old fashioned joy that is "Smear The Queer" -- well once again, we're seeing their mentalities emboldened in the island nation. And frankly, that sort of homophobia fostering deserves a big ol...

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Xbox Game Banned Over Lesbian Kiss [365Gay]

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