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eBay dude keeps up gay-unfriendly bidding

by Jeremy Hooper

Remember that guy who was selling the "Nothing Runs Like A Queere" decal on eBay? Well a reader has just tipped us off that he's still peddling his views on the online auction site; but this time he's doing so in the sort of way that makes having his items pulled a far less likely possibility:

Picture 1-119

Is the item heterosexist? Yep. Is it likely meant to convey as much homophobia as his earlier "Nothing Runs Like A Queere" sticker? Probably. But whereas that sticker actively promoted violence against gay people, this one promotes hostility in that roundabout way that our opposition loves so much -- by putting anti-gay sentiment behind the "pro-marriage" veil. And in all honesty, we think he has every right to sell this item (as disgusting as it may be).

So we have no intention to call for a ban or a yanking of this item. But feel free to write the user as ask him why, exactly, he feels that queer derision is the key to eBay success. After all, he has his freedom of expression and we have ours. And ours says that his disgusting attempts at anti-gay capitalization are even more worthless than that "Square Pegs" novel that we impulsively bought a few years ago.

10 pro marriage stickers. Not anti gay decals [eBay]

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Your thoughts

What?? Are you out of your mind? There's tons of pro gay stickers on ebay. Using your logic, that makes pro gay stickers an anti-marriage sentiment behind the "pro-gay" veil. Isn't that right? What is the difference? IMHO, there's no difference between you and the bad ebayer if that's going to be your arguement.

Posted by: Justin Jett | Nov 14, 2007 11:20:12 PM

Justin: No, actually, we are quite comfortably residing inside of our mind. But thanks for checking.

We are not challenging this dude's right to have these stickers on eBay. We challenged his previous ones b/c they actively promoted violence. These are CLEARLY stealth attacks on gay marriage, but they are not, in our opinion, out of line.

As for your suppositions about our logic: How do you begin to figure that pro-gay stickers are "anti-marriage sentiment behind the 'pro-gay' veil." Gays are not gunning for hetero marriage, but rather seeking equal access to the custom. Anti-gays, however, have been hiding their sentiment behind "pro-marriage" code-wording for years. It's all an elaborate ruse to make it seem as if gays are hostile to "traditional marriage" -- one that you are apparently supporting, judging by your above comment.

Oh, and also -- the word argument does not contain an "e".

Be well.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Nov 15, 2007 8:16:43 AM

I'll note that by including "Not anti gay decals", it would make the item show up on a search for "anti gay decals".

Posted by: Dragonclaws | Nov 17, 2007 8:23:36 PM

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