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FOF's 'superhottie' and the gays who love him

by Jeremy Hooper

 Images Entries Alex-Kozinski-Alex-S-Kozinski-Judge-Above-The-Law-Hot-Hottie-Superhottie-Federal-JudiciaryIn a glowing profile in which they tout the socially conservative credentials of Judge Alex Kozinski (who will soon lead the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals), the folks at Focus on the Family include this little tidbit:

Not only is Kozinksi a judge with conservative values, but he’s also a judge with charm. In his youth, he appeared on The Dating Game and won. In 2004, he was voted the “No.1 Male Superhottie” of the federal judiciary.

As we were intrigued by these bizarre facts, we did a little research. And here's a brief bit we found about this "No.1 Male Superhottie" contest in the NY Times (underlining our own):

When Judge Kozinski learned he had not been included on the original list of "superhotties," the appeals court judge in California wrote in to the site laying out his credentials: "Sure, John Roberts and Jeff Sutton are young and extremely handsome, but so what? I have it on very good authority that discerning females and gay men find graying, pudgy, middle-aged men with an accent close to Governor Schwarzenegger's almost totally irresistible."

The Bucharest-born judge cited his two-time appearance on "The Dating Game" (one victory) as supporting evidence. After his brief online campaign, he eventually was proclaimed the No. 1 male superhottie of the federal judiciary.

Hmm...so we have a Focus on the Family all-star who not only acknowledges the existence of gay people, but who also touts his ability to arouse that particular sect? We would've thought that just using the word gay without the words sinner, immoral, or another bit of similar "pro-family" jargon would immediately disqualify one for an FOF profile extolling their conservative virtues! After all, we are talking about an organization who opposes gay rights at every turn and even heads the largest conference to try and convert gay people into "ex-gays." So if Mr. Kozinski doesn't share that same sort of mindset, then we'd love to hear him lash out against FOF's non-stop stigmatization parade. And if he does share that ideology, then we don't care to see him giving lip service to our existences when he wants to make a cheeky point!

Friday Five: Judge Alex Kozinski [FOF CitizenLink]
He Fought the Law. They Both Won. [NY Times]

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Your thoughts

He's a mixed bag. He voted in favor of allowing what is now the Gay Games to use the word "Olympics" (the Supreme Court later ruled the other way).

More recently, he voted in favor of extending First Amendment protection to a high school student who wore an anti-gay t-shirt to school.

Posted by: KipEsquire | Nov 5, 2007 4:50:02 PM

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