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If a lawyer's disbarred, they stop practicing law; you see what we're getting at?
Remember Richard Cohen, the unlicensed "ex-gay" man who provides "therapy" to others wishing to "change" their sexual orientation? Well, if not, here's a brief pillow-beating primer:
Oh, and here are some pages from a children's book that he wrote:
Totally rational and grounded, no?
Well, the tireless Jim Burroway over at Box Turtle Bulletin has alerted us to a new "rational and grounded" book that Mr. Cohen has penned. And this time, the self-proclamed psychotherapist who has been expelled for life from the American Counseling Association is directing his attention not as much to the gays in need of "healing," but rather to the parents whose subpar rearing (rather than their sperm and egg) supposedly made their child queer in the first place. He calls the tome:
Gay Children, Straight Parents: A Plan for Family Healing
Because [::begin extreme sarcasm::] we don't know about you, but when it comes to our family's sense of well-being, we're going to eschew the advice of every credible body of health and science, and instead trust the words of a former Moonie (a group whose leader has said some of the most detestable things about gays on record) who was kicked out of mainstream counseling and whose strange methods have been decried by even those within the organized "ex-gay" movement. After all, who needs the pesky vetting and peer review that comes with credible organizations when you can have the convenient, unnbacked theories that fit one man's myopic world view. [::end extreme sarcasm::]
Fortunately, being the dear that he is, Jim Burroway has analyzed Richard's new work so that none of the rest of us have to. Check that out over at BTB:
Richard Cohen’s New Book From InterVarsity Press [Box Turtle Bulletin]
Oh, and straight parents across the globe: If you REALLY want to ensure the well-being of your gay children, don't encourage them to beat a pillow or repair the "trauma" of their childhoods. Instead, make sure they know that even if you find out their truths, there will still BE a pillow in your home waiting for them (and their potential loves) to rest their weary gay heads!