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Rudy & Pat: Another same-sex union goes untolerated
Remember earlier today when we told you how longtime 'mo foe Pat Robertson is surprisingly backing Rudy Giuliani for the Republican presidential nomination? Well, the "pro-family" fallout is starting to trickle in, with outspoken California gay rights-stifler Randy Thomason (pic) issuing a press release lashing out against those "Pro-Family Leaders" who "Sell Out Pro-Family Values." The release reads, in part:
"Pat Robertson is leading pro-family voters astray by abandoning moral standards for government," said CCF President Randy Thomasson. "This shocking news is a 180-degree turn by the founder of the Christian Coalition. Pat Robertson is casting a blind eye to Rudy Giuliani's big-time advocacy of the transsexual, bisexual, and homosexual agenda -- an intolerant agenda that harms children, religious freedom, parental rights, the institution of marriage, and the Boy Scouts."
It's well known in New York City that former mayor Rudy Giuliani marched in "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender" parades, held "lesbian and gay pride breakfasts" at Gracie Mansion, dressed up several times as a woman, led the hijacking of marriage rights at New York City Hall, and personally demeaned marriage by divorcing his first two wives and committing adultery.
"It's scandalous how some of America's pro-family leaders have abandoned pro-family voting standards," said Thomasson. "If the pro-family community throws away its values, the pro-family community stands for nothing. And if pro-family voters are willing to get behind any popular Republican, no matter how liberal, would they support Hillary Clinton if she became a Republican? Or would the family values of pro-family leaders suddenly reappear? On moral values, Clinton and Giuliani are nearly identical."
Our only shock? That Randy didn't ever get the memo that hypocrisy is the lifeblood of his entire movement! For while we're surprised that Pat is backing Rudy, and while we genuinely do think such is an unprincipled choice for a man who has dedicated his life to speaking out against divorce, abortion, and gays, we are not at all SHOCKED by the display. But then again, maybe we've just had our monogamous relationships demonized by one too many stone-casting, war-supporting, death penalty-backing, shrimp-eating, profit-motivated, environment-harming evangelical to ever again be surprised by our opposition's speciousness.
Politics, as they say, makes strange bedfellows. And while the religious right might publicly condemn those fellows for being in bed together in the first place, forgive us if we no longer consider it a bombshell when they hop in for a three way!
America's Pro-Family Leaders Selling Out Pro-Family Values: Latest Hypocrisy is Pat Robertson's Endorsement of Giuliani [CCF Release]
Your thoughts
Nothing to add to this post. Just wanted to say that guy dancing on the right of my screen is distracting as hell. :p
Posted by: Franc | Nov 7, 2007 9:41:54 PM
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