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Video: Ken fruitlessly yelling at the Gates

by Jeremy Hooper

Earlier we told you about Ken Hutcherson threatening Microsoft shareholders for being too gay-friendly. Well, because seeing is believing, here is the video of his gay-unfriendly intimidation attempts:

No word if the people who give a smattering of applause at the end are the "powerful white people" of which Hutcherson speaks. We will, however, get our best clap analyst on the job to gauge the race and forcefulness behind the cheers.

Ken Hutcherson speaking to Microsoft [YouTube]

**UPDATE: Box Turtle Bulletin's Jim Burroway has let us know that about 10 minutes or so after our video ends, another shareholder addressed Hutcherson's comments. Here is how Jim documents the exchange between the shareholder and Brad Smith, the company's Senior VP of Legal & Corporate Affairs:

QUESTION: I own over 1,000 shares, and I also represent an investment club with many more shares. My question is for any particular person, it doesn’t matter. What can shareholders do to support the corporation in opposition against hurtful, and hateful constituent actions, particularly and specifically Reverend Hutcherson? (Applause.)

BRAD SMITH: As a company we’ve had a clear policy with respect to the way we treat our people. And we believe in that policy. It’s a policy that’s founded on non-discrimination. It’s a policy that we believe has served our employees well, it’s served our shareholders well, and I think that reflected last year when all of our shareholders were asked to vote on that policy, and over 97 percent of you, and all of our other shareholders, stood up and agreed with us. I think that it is precisely in that form that shareholders had the opportunity to continue to make their views known, and we very much appreciate that support.

If we find the motivation, we might try and cap this one as well. But you can also wade through the full Microsoft video at this link.

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Your thoughts

Between this and the Telegraph article, it makes me wonder if one of the "powerful white people" he's got is that "God Warrior" lady from that spouse-swap show.

Microsoft should charge ADMISSION to that meeting, and I WOULD PAY IT.

Posted by: eschewv | Nov 16, 2007 5:55:22 PM

I doubt Marguerite will be interested in helping out Ken, as she's been dealing with the death of her eldest daughter, who was on the show as well.

Good to see people are seeing this idiot for the nut he is. This is the guy touring around with the "Pink Swastika" author?

Posted by: Scott | Nov 18, 2007 2:31:40 AM

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