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'3 french hens, 2 turtle doves & a claim that we threaten world peace'

by Jeremy Hooper

 Good As You Images BenedictWell it's December, so you know what means, right? It means it's time for the Pope to once again to deliver his year-end condemnation of gay families, natch!

Oh, but this year he's not just speaking out against us and our unions. No, no -- he's also painting our marriage desires as a threat to world peace. This from the Pew Forum:

Nuclear arms proliferation, environmental pollution and economic inequality are threats to world peace -- but so are abortion, birth control and same-sex marriage, Pope Benedict XVI said in a statement released by the Vatican Tuesday (Dec. 11).

Presenting the nuclear family as the "first and indispensable teacher of peace" and the "primary agency of peace," the 15-page document links sexual and medical ethics to international relations.

"Everything that serves to weaken the family based on the marriage of a man and woman, everything that directly or indirectly stands in the way of its openness to the responsible acceptance of new life ... constitutes an objective obstacle on the road to peace,"

And here we were hoping he would this year just get us an iPod Nano or one of those AeroGrow things! ::sigh:: Maybe next year (if, of course, our love lives don't blow up the Earth before then).

Pope Says Abortion, Gay Marriage Are 'Obstacles' to World Peace [Pew Forum]
(H/t: Towle, Pam)

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Your thoughts

This from a man who wears Prada.

Posted by: Howard | Dec 12, 2007 2:25:10 PM

During the height of the AIDS crisis, in 1987, Ratzinger basically blamed gays for violence against them and nearly inciting it. He's doing the same thing again, only even worse. The man is evil to the core.

Posted by: Ptboat | Dec 12, 2007 4:36:40 PM

The worst type of evil, I think - because he helieves he is not merely in the service of good, but its very definition and thus incapable of performing evil.

I mentioned this on my own blog.

Posted by: Suricou Raven | Dec 12, 2007 5:54:23 PM

I love the thought of being a threat to world peace. And here I was believing all those hate groups that said I was worthless.

Posted by: Chris | Dec 12, 2007 9:55:24 PM

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