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Fort Worth is Burned; gays rejoice
Real estate agent Joel Burns has managed to triumph over the anti-gay attacks that were waged against him in order to become the first ever only gay person to be elected to office in Fort Worth, TX. In a runoff election Tuesday night, Burns was chosen over opponent Juan Rangel Jr. to represent the 9th District on the Fort Worth City Council:
Joel Burns fights back, wins election [Victory Fund]
And if that weren't enough good news coming out of this election, we're happy to tell you that queer-supportive Democrat Dan Barrett also triumphed over GOP opponent Mark M. Shelton to replace retiring Republican Rep. Anna Mowery in Texas House District 97:
Fort Worth, Texas gets a legislative LGBT boost [P1Q]
So Christmas shoppers: Be sure to return any hats that you might've bought your socially conservative friends who reside in the Fort Worth area, as their heads have just officially exploded.