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Hetero adoptive parents: Ready to join our fight yet?

by Jeremy Hooper

 Good As You Images PerkinscolorIn response to an LA Times article on two gay men who employed surrogacy methods to become new fathers, the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins (or, more likely, his ghost writer) says the following:

"...they have gone to such great lengths to ensure that this child will not "go through" the experience that most children enjoy of being raised by both a mother and a father. It is outrageous that courts in some states have become complicit in this denial of biological reality by allowing homosexual couples to have custody of newborns and birth certificates that mislead about the true parentage of the child."

So not to be a hypocrite, we're sure Tony will next lash out against adoptive and foster parents of any variety, right?  And heterosexual couples who rely on egg or sperm donation to complete their parental dreams -- those are clearly the next on Tony's derision list, right?  After all, if Tony's gonna use such pietistic lines of reasoning to denounce loving same-sex couples who utilize fertility methods outside of man/woman intercourse, he must, as a thinking man, also condemn the opposite-sex couples in the same fashion, yes?

Wait, what's that you say?  No, it's highly unlikely that Tony will condemn the heterosexuals who go to extra lengths to have children, as he has no desire to demonize their lives and families?  And his condemnatory rhetoric is less an attempt to denounce surrogacy, and more an attempt to make gays look radical, evil, unsavory, an out-of-step with nature? 

Oh.  Well gee, that sure is mean, un-Christianlike, and falsely sanctimonious!  Sure hope the public at large doesn't start to catch on to just how empty and uncompassionate the "moral values" team's rhetoric truly is...

Homosexual Parents Knock Out Nature in Courts [FRC Washington Update]

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Your thoughts

Tony: "...they have gone to such great lengths to ensure that this child will not "go through" the experience that most children enjoy of being raised by both a mother and a father."

Yeah... I'm sure that's what the couple was thinking: Let's spend the majority of our money, time and energy on this child - not out of love, but to make sure the kid won't have a mother and father. I know that's what my boyfriend and I always say when we talk about having kids.

Posted by: GayMormonBoy | Dec 18, 2007 1:00:04 PM

Hooooold on.

the baby was born at 6:16 pm on 6/16?

616 is believed by some to be the original 666. check it out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/616_%28number%29

the lord gives signs every day to those who will see them.

Posted by: joe | Dec 18, 2007 6:52:12 PM

Ok I've missed something here. You quoted Tony as basically saying he believes every child needs a mother and a father, and to design a child's birth so as to be missing one is a bad thing.

Then, you've decided that means he's against any form of adoption, fostering, IVF/sperm donation... do you see my confusion? Maybe I've missed something because I haven't read the entire article you quoted from.

I think what Tony said is horrid, but you've just gone off on your own tangent.

Posted by: Anthony | Dec 19, 2007 12:45:41 AM

Anthony: Yes, you seemed to have missed something. And with all due respect, I think I'd ask that you not accuse us of "going off on a tangent" before taking the time to get more info.

The thing is this: Tony bemoans the states that have "become complicit in this denial of biological reality by allowing homosexual couples to have custody of newborns and birth certificates that mislead about the true parentage of the child." The question we raise is whether or not Tony would equally decry the HETEROSEXUAL couples who have taken similar measures to become parents. He seems fixated on "true parentage," as if the only measure of such lies in the way the child was conceived. And if that's the way he feels, then he needs to extend that condemnation to any parents whose childre came to be in a way other than standard heterosexual intercourse.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Dec 19, 2007 8:49:23 AM

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