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Want yet another example of just how much our opposition doesn't get it? Well check out this passage from One News Now, in which a New Hampshire anti-gay activist reveals her fears regarding the state's recently passed civil unions law:
"One of the major concerns we have is that this will translate in the court, because there will be a court challenge immediately, [arguing that since people are] already getting all of the rights and privileges of marriage, why can't we call it marriage -- which will then dilute the total meaning of marriage," she asserts.
Homosexual activists, Testerman contends, will not be satisfied until their civil unions are deemed "marriages" by a court. "That means that these people -- who are in a special-interest group -- are going to dictate to our families, in many ways that are fall-out type situations, what the meaning of a marriage is," she explains, "and also what's the best atmosphere [in which] to bring our children into this world."
Wait, wait, wait, wait, WAIT a minute! WE are the ones who are trying to dictate "the meaning of marriage" and "the best atmosphere [in which] to bring our children into this world"? Correct us if we're wrong, but isn't the entire push to ban gays from the equality that they seek an example of a majority trying to dictate the nature of family and acceptable relationships for the whole of society?! And aren't we only part of a "special-interest group" because society has declared that our basic civil rights are some sort of "special" privileges for which we must beg?! Good mother of brazen duplicity -- where the hell do these folks get off?!?!
Look, even if you despise the very idea of two dudes or chicas tying a knot, you have to know within your heart and head that your own man/woman-only views is the only actual limitation that is being pushed in this whole marriage debate. No gay activist is being so bold as to claim that same-sex couplings are any better than any other arrangement. Most of us left childhood behind and are quite capable of following adult logic, the likes of which tells us that parental and familial fitness is not dependent on the gender of the household heads. There are shitty parents, both gay and straight. There are born-again Bradys, both gay and straight. But whereas we on the pro-gay side are only asking to be held to the same standards and to be judged on our merits rather than our orientations, the anti-gay side is saying that heterosexuality automatically gives a couple a leg up on even the most well-adjusted gay household. Therein lies the narrow-minded rub!
New Hampshire homosexuals begin applying for faux marriage licenses [ONN]
Your thoughts
Amen Brother!
Posted by: Tina-cious.com | Dec 13, 2007 9:57:11 AM
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